Blackjack Basic Strategy


The basis of Blackjack Basic Strategy is the mathematics of the game. The effectiveness of it was proven on computer tests. If a player uses it correctly, the house edge can be reduced to the minimum. There may be some variations of the basic strategy according to blackjack casino rules, but usually they remain the same. There are also slight differences in the basic strategies for single deck blackjack and for multiple deck game.

Read the Chart

At first you should understand the chart. The players' blackjack hand is shown along the left vertical edge and the croupier's up cards are shown along the top. From the top to the bottom are shown blackjack hard totals, blackjack hands possible for splitting and soft hands totals.

Play Hard Hands

  • points or less - Hit.
  • points - Double (dealer has 3 through 6) or Hit
  • points - Double (dealer has 2 through 9) or Hit
  • points - Double (dealer has 2 through 10) or Hit (dealer has an Ace)
  • points - Hit (dealer has 2 or 3) or Stand (dealer has 4 through 6)
  • points - Stand (dealer has 2 through 6) or Hit
  • Stand always!

Play Soft Hands

  • Ace 2 or Ace 3 - Double (dealer has 5 through 6) or Hit
  • Ace 4 or Ace 5 - Double (dealer has 4 through 6) or Hit
  • Ace 6 - Double (dealer has 3 through 6) or Hit
  • Ace 7 - Stand (dealer has 2,8, or 7) or Double (dealer has 3 through 6) or Hit
  • Ace 8 or Ace 9 - Stand always!

Play Pairs

  • Aces or 8s - Split always!
  • s or 3s - Split (dealer has 2-7) or Hit
  • s - Split (dealer has 5 or 6) or Hit
  • s - Double (dealer has 2 through 9) or Hit
  • s - Split (dealer has 2 through 6 ) or Hit
  • s - Split (dealer has 2 through 7) or Hit
  • s - Split (dealer has 2 through 6, 8or 9) or Stand (dealer has 7, 10 or Ace)
  • s - Stand always.

Hope, our advice will help you in mastering the game and its basic strategy. Play blackjack online to improve your skills and practice the strategy.